21st May 2020
The Order SND/422/2020 published on 20 May, and in force on 21 May, establishes the obligation by the general population to use the mask to reduce the SARS-CoV2 transmission.
The justification is not only because of the high transmissibility of the virus,but also because of the ability of the masks to block the emission of infected droplets, which is very important when it is not possible to keep the safety distance.
In summary of the Order regulates the mandatory use of masks, as follows:
Any type of mask, preferably hygienic and surgical, covering nose and mouth.
If it is not possible to maintain an interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters in:
Puclic streets, and pubic spaces
Outdoor spaces and
Enclosed spaces for public use or which are open to the public,
Those over 6 years old, except
Those who have breathing difficulty that may be aggravated by the use of a mask.
Those who cannot wear a mask for duly justified health reasons.
Disabled or dependent persons who suffer behavioral alterations that make the use of a mask unviable.
Obligation is excluded when:
You carry out activities which, by their very nature, are incompatible with the use of the mask
In cases of force majeure or situation of need.
No regulation has been issued so far.
In case the authority requests the compliance of this Order to a person the lack of obedience can be severely sanctioned as indicated HERE

3rd parties image credit:
«Patriotism 2» by Veterans Health is licensed under CC PDM 1.0
Masked picture credit to Midnight Believer «masked»